The Barbados Carolina Connection


The Barbados-Carolina Connection (second edition), co-authored by Warren Alleyne and Sir Henry Fraser explores the huge role Barbadians played in the establishment of Charleston.

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Few Bajans or Charlestonians know of the strong ties that bind…the dramatic history of the Anglo-Barbadian settlement of Charleston and the Carolinas, and the close connections of family, culture, economics and trade, language and even architecture that existed between our two countries for 100 years….from the first attempt at settlement in 1663 and the actual settlement in 1670 to the American War of Independence more than 100 years later. The tale of the 1670 “Odyssey” alone—the saga of the Barbados Adventurers led by Sir John Yeamans of Nicholas, involving five ships, hurricanes and several wrecks—is as exciting an epic as any concerning the legendary Greek heroes. The Barbados-Carolina Connection (second edition), co-authored by Warren Alleyne and Sir Henry Fraser explores the huge role Barbadians played in the establishment of Charleston, carrying the model of the sugar and slave society, the language, and an entrepreneurial spirit that inspired the Charlestonians to “think big” in their ambitions to expand and develop a hugely rich and successful enterprise.

Additional information

Weight 933 g
Dimensions 21.59 × 21.59 cm